Motivation comes in many forms —a seminar, a workshop or a keynote. Geraldine Hogan is a teacher at heart and delivers not only the motivation to change ones situation but a step by step methodology. You can experience the teachings online or in person.
Participants will have an opportunity to participate in activities designed to assess where they are in terms of personal and professional goals.
She will facilitate discussions on barriers that impede setting and reaching goals and strategies for overcoming roadblocks to achievement.
Here are some examples of the topics she addresses:
Keep Moving Forward: Overcoming Obstacles to Success
How to Set and Reach Your Goals
Fear and Desire
Dealing with Anger and Other Barriers to Career Development
Setting and Reaching Your Professional Goals
Living a Well Balanced Life
Roadblocks to Happiness
Good Just Isn't Enough
If you would like more information send an email to gbh@geraldinehogan.com.